Unlock Hidden Career Opportunities

The vast majority of recruitment companies focus solely on fulfilling job orders on behalf of their clients, meaning that unless the target candidate’s profile falls squarely within tightly defined boundaries, they are unlikely to receive an approach from the headhunter. By doing so, significant members of the addressable talent pool are overlooked during the search, meaning that in the end, great opportunities are missed by both sides. Jurupa’s aim is to provide a more balanced approach by affording the same level of service to the candidate in their own job search.

Many candidates rely on referrals within their own network to secure them their next role, but what about those who do not have that facility to rely on?

At Jurupa, we recognise that finding a new role can be an endeavour in itself – particularly in times of economic turbulence – therefore, we have devised a candidate-oriented solution that has been designed to help the jobseeker gain a competitive edge when hunting for their next role.

How career mapping works

In many cases, candidates are able to find a job themselves. There are various channels available to the average jobseeker e.g. searching within their own personal network, carrying out research using LinkedIn, asking for referrals, posting in online forums, registering with specialist recruitment agencies etc. 

This remains an imperfect science, however. Many candidates suffer poor and frustrating experiences along the way, including but limited to sending their CVs into so called ‘black holes,’ being ghosted (by both clients and recruiters,) waiting indeterminately for updates, reaching the end of the hiring process only to be rejected without any feedback or reasoning of value, to name a few such examples. As a business, we designed our own Candidate Charter in order to try and push back against these poor experiences, one candidate at a time.

For candidates who require a more proactive and systematic approach to finding their next role or assignment, we offer a service called Career Mapping.

This is a two-tier solution which significantly boosts the candidate’s chances of uncovering and securing a new role. Our detailed and bespoke reports follow a 30 minute video consultation with the aim of establishing a clear understanding of what you are seeking to achieve and bring a whole host of benefits.

How we can help you:

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